Sunday, April 29, 2018


Today everyone is sanguine of entering certain professions. They call it their dream, ambition in life. In their choice, they should be the best by hook or cook and should pursue as your heart is satiated with. Refraining from the path to achieve the goal makes you unsuccessful in your life.
No one says dreaming is worthless. Great Indian scientist A.P.J Abdul Kalam says “you should always dream that you have succeeded in achieving your goal, go on dreaming till your dream clings to your hands.”   
Your ambition is your dream. Achieving your dream is your aim. Dream can’t be fulfilled at once. One has to face many hurdles to fulfill the DREAM, according to Distorte. He who fails to prepare is preparing to fail, so prepare, prepare, prepare. Who has confidence in himself can gain the confidence of others.
Goal setting is an indispensable part of one’s life. Remember the setting goal is the bottom line of life. “Life without a goal is like withered rock and tree.” Everything in the world runs with a selected goal or aim.
A player aims to win the game
A tree aims to fulfill the hunger of people
An ant aims to store food for the future

Like this ant to an elephant, unicellular to multicellular organism is assigned with a work, they carry on till they achieve it. Their commitment to achieving this assigned work is called ambition. Ambition is an indispensable part of anyone’s life. Dream, Goal, Aim, Aspiration are synonyms of Ambition
                It is useless to think ambition is to be settled in life, full meals a day, rejoice in life enjoying the worldly pleasures. All this is a fool’s paradise. In the real sense, ambition is the success. To be successful in life, in society, nation, world, as a human. Success is dependent on various factors. Character is the prerequisite for success. The character is like tree and reputation is its shadow. The shadow is what we think, it is the tree that is real. Our character should be mannerly, innovative, modesty, magnanimity. Our character reflects the idea, how good we are.
Cells make tissues
A good coach makes a good player
Good character makes a successful man.
        The forthcoming subject to success is Time Management. There is saying in Sanskrit “alasyam amrutham visham.” It means simply that even an elixir of life turns to be poison, which makes life exile out of the body’s reign. The goal is a thing to be climbed to, not an escalator to carry you. Try to climb a maximum number of steps to reach the goal and never repose on, till you cling the opportunities which pave way for the threshold of success. Everyone has aims and ideals to follow, but their implementation in proper time is vital. Maximum fail to apply, which ultimately leads to unfruitfulness.
One should be creative in their work. A creative thinker is flexible and adaptable and prepared to rearrange his thinking. This is a competitive world. One should be always indifferent from others that arrest the attention of superiors. Then only one can be a superman. To be Superman, be creative, imaginative. Imagination is intelligence having fun. Reflexive thinking turns the experience into insight. One shouldn’t be like the frog in a well.
Commitment, enthusiasm, patience play a key role along with the above. Anger is the enemy of man itself which leads to all difficulties. Working with patience enthusiastically makes one superb in life. Our life’s lion share should be used to achieve our goals.
Knowledge and wisdom should be proportionate in achieving success. Knowledge without wisdom leads to many destructions for which one has to face for…
Sky is your limit
Star is your goal
Hard work is your route
Self-confidence is the first requisite to great undertakings. There are two kinds of failures. Those who thought and never did, those who did and never thought. Thus one should never flinch from aims and ideals. Ambitious persons should be tenacious, wrestle with to face anything, founded upon anyone, quick at right decisions, and be positive and refraining from your path makes you a failure.
Arise, awake, await till you reach the destination. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. If you try you may fail, if you don’t try you are guaranteed to fail. If you would hit the mark, you must aim a little above it. Every arrow that flies into the air feels the attraction of earth. A man without imagination is like a bird without wings.
The will to win is important, but the will to prepare is vital. Zeal without knowledge is a runaway horse. Never feel failures: they are quite natural, they are the beauty of life. These failures, what would be life without them? It would not be worth having if it were not struggles. So never mind failures. Hold the idea a thousand times and if you fail thousand times, make the attempt once more.

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