Friday, August 9, 2019

Dear Coffee ☕

The day I realized love for coffee
River of thoughts in my mind flown🌊
Wish your brain gets blown 🤯
and let you drink it as shown...

Oh my dear coffee
I love you...💓

I don't know how I fell for you
I don't know how I felt you

Stress has thrashed, life was choked
Studies baffled, near and dear trembled

You were introduced as a remedy 💊
that made a large impact to get out of the tragedy

You were there when I was sick🤕
Coffee, Coffe, Drink, Cup, Drawingacted upon me more than a chick🐥

Then I lived...
I survived

Dear Coffee,
Oh my dear lovely toffee🍬

Maybe this is how I fell for you...
Maybe this is how I felt you...💘

Your effect made my face bright🌞
That solved my problems straight

You always make me swagger like a bumblebee🐝
Hence my love💞 for you is abundant than salt in the sea

People may not like you as a treat
Still, you make them active without any threat

You may live even after my last breath
Live ever after as green as in the heath

But still, I love  Cofee, dear
wish to have you as everyday cheer...🥂 

- 7 April 2019

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